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Frequently Asked Questions


1. What can my Advisement Center do for me?

Help you choose/declare a major

Help you change a major

Help you choose classes

Help you understand GE classes and elective classes

Direct you to Career Services

2. Do I need a major?

Yes. In order to graduate from Brigham Young University with a Bachelor’s degree, you must choose and complete a major course of study. If you would like to see which majors are available, click here.

3. When do I need to declare a major?

Although there is no set schedule to declare a major, it is best to have a fairly concrete idea by your sophomore year (according to University Advisement). Please note that students must select and declare a major by the time they have 60 earned BYU credit hours (excluding language exam credits). Once a student has 75 earned BYU credit hours (excluding language exam credits), they will not be allowed to change their major, unless special permission is granted. (See your College Advisement Center).

4. How do I add a minor?

To add a minor, contact your college advisement center. If you are applying to a limited enrollment minor, please see the advisement center that offers the minor.

5. Is an associate degree offered?

No. Formerly, associate degrees were offered by the university, but are not currently awarded.

6. Where is my advisement center located? Where is Open Major advisement located?

Advisement centers are located throughout campus in the buildings that house the specific college. Click here to find your advisement center.

The University Advisement Center —or Open Major Advisement—is located at 2500 Wilkinson Student Center (801-422-3826).

7. What is MyMAP and how do I use it?

MyMAP (My Major Academic Plan) is an electronic tool to help you plan, organize, and register for classes. You may find it useful to work with an advisor at your primary major College Advisement Center (CAC) to plan the courses needed for graduation.

To access MyMAP, go to or on the BYU home page select: Academics / MyMAP.

8. How can I know when a class will be offered?

By checking the class schedule or by clicking on the class in MyMAP (see instructions). The class schedule can also be found on the BYU homepage under Academics.

9. I took a class at another University and want to see if it will fill a requirement at BYU. Is there a way to do that?

Most equivalencies for major classes are done through the primary major College Advisement Center (CAC).

Equivalencies for General Education courses are done through Transfer Evaluation.

10. What is University Honors?

University Honors is a distinction awarded to all graduates of BYU who enroll in the program and have met specific honors requirements. For more information, go to the University Honors website.

11. What is Scholastic Honors?

Scholastic (Latin) Honors is a distinction at graduation that is determined by GPA for the top 10 percent of the graduating seniors based on cumulative total and BYU grade point averages. For more information on requirements to receive scholastic honors, visit the Graduating with Scholastic Honors website.

12. How do I apply for Graduation?

The application for graduation is now online. In order to apply, you must have an active ecclesiastical endorsement covering the graduation for which you plan to apply.

You can access the online graduation application by logging onto MyBYU and selecting Apply for Graduation in the School menu.